Monday, August 6, 2012


Ajwa Dates

The time of offering Hajj has already started, during this time thousands of Hajjaj started to visit the Holy Kaba to offer their Hajj and prayers and on their return they must carry zam zam water and Ajwa Dates back to home. Zam zam water is free and any one can get it but the Ajwa dates are always very expensive. The reason for which is the Hadiths about the Ajwa. According to Hadiths  Ajwa has the cure for many diseases such as
Heart diseases
Eye diseases
Madness or mental illness
Treatment of poisoning
Protection from magic

The first heart attack in Islamic history was reported about the hero of the war of Qudsia Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, a sudden pain in his heart was reported, when Hazrat Mohammed. (may peace be upon him)  got to know about it, HE (peace be upon him) said ask him to eat Ajwa Date along with the seed and he will be fine.  Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas ate the Ajwa with seed and he recovered from the heart attack.
Ajwa dates are one of the most expensive dates in its raw form in Saudi Arabia. Its look is unique and taste is superb. Dates are also rich in natural fibers. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in preventing abdominal cancer. They also surpass other fruits in the sheer variety of their constituents. They contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium.The dates are highly nutritious, full of sugar (60%), and small quantities of fat (2%), proteins (2%), and minerals (2%). In other words, one date satisfies the minimum requirements of a balanced and healthy diet. 

§     Iron, the mineral that prevents anemia and which is a part of the hemoglobin molecule in the blood.
§     Magnesium, which has an important role in the nervous system integrity and in energy production.
§     Potassium, useful in cases of hypertension
§     Calcium and Phosphorus, essential for healthy bones
§     Vitamin A, for healthy skin and eyesight
§     Vitamin B3 (Niacin), protecting from pellagra, a disease which is manifested as dermatitis, dementia and fatigue. Niacin also reduces triglycerides and cholesterol levels (LDL) in the blood, thus protects the heart and circulatory system
§     Folic acid, essential for protection against atherosclerosis and heart problems, and for protein metabolism
Experiments have also shown that dates contain some stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. This helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery on one hand and reduces the bleeding after delivery on the other. Dietitians consider dates as the best food for women in confinement and those who are breast-feeding.Arabs usually combine dates with milk and yogurt or bread, butter and fish. This combination indeed makes a self-sufficient and tasty diet for both mind and body. with in the dates Ajwa has some unique characteristics. Ajwa is the favorite date of Nabi e Kareem(saw) and there are some ahadith regarding the superiority of Ajwa among other kinds of dates.
According to Ahadith e Mubarika Narrated Sad: Allah's Apostle said,
“Whoever has seven Ajwa dates every morning he will not be harmed on that day by poison or magic.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5445) (5768) (5769) (5779)].
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Ajwa dates are from paradise.” [Tirmidhee (2068) he said hasan Saheeh and it was authenticated by Shaikh al-Albaani].
Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates, the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (2047)].
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “Whoever has seven dates between the two areas (the east and west of Madina) as soon as he wakes up every morning, he will not be harmed on that day by poison until the evening.” [Saheeh Muslim (154) (2047)].
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “O Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry. Oh Aisha! A house that has no dates in it their family is hungry.” [Saheeh Muslim (153), (2046)].
Ajwa dates should be tried by our physicians and cardiologists. It is the biggest gift from Allah(swt) for the heart patients.
Ajwa dates are most expensive dates in raw form and is only available in Saudi Aribia, if you want to buy ajwa and want it to be delivered to your door step, then you can get it for U.S. $ 106.00 per kg, this includes packing and shipment charges to order online click on the button below

Buy Ajwa Dates for $106.00 per kg